Mumbai,His medical report has come out after the recent attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, which has revealed five places. According to the report, Saif has suffered injuries on the left side, left wrist, right side on the neck, right shoulder and right elbow. These injuries are not serious, but Saif's medical condition is being closely monitored.
Saif Ali Khan's medical report gives detailed information about the injuries on his body. According to the report, Saif has suffered a 0.51 centimeter injury on the left side. The left wrist has been reported to have an injury of 5 to 10 cm. Additionally, Saif's neck has a 1015 cm injury to the right side, while the right shoulder has a 35 cm injury. The biggest injury is on his elbow, where there is an injury of five centimeters.
After the attack, Saif Ali Khan was taken to Lilavati Hospital by his friend officer Zaidi. According to the medical report, officer Zaidi has been described as a friend of the actor. It is clearly mentioned in the report that the officer Zaidi had taken Saif to the hospital that night and he admitted the actor at four o'clock in the morning. In the medical report sent to the police from Lilavati Hospital, the name of officer Zaidi is recorded in the friend's column.
It is noteworthy that on 16 January, the attacker entered the house late in the night and attacked actor Saif Ali Khan with a knife. This was followed by surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. Actor and Kareena Kapoor's husband Saif Ali Khan has been discharged from the hospital on Tuesday. He is currently getting health benefits.
He was arrested from Thane in the early hours of January 19 for attacking actor Saif Ali Khan. The police has questioned more than 50 people in the case so far. 35 teams were formed to catch the accused.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.