Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised The Sabarmati Report, the latest Bollywood film based on the tragic Sabarmati Express accident that took place near Godhra railway station in Gujarat on the morning of February 27, 2002. Acknowledging the role of the film in bringing out the truth, Modi took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his views.
In response, Sabarmati Report producer Ekta Kapoor expressed her gratitude and emphasized that Modi's praise was an important encouragement for the film's team.
Resharing the Prime Minister's post, Ekta wrote in Hindi on Moving in the right direction. Thanks for all the love and support.”
Responding to an exuser's comment on the film, Prime Minister Modi said that “fake narrative can last only for a limited time.”
He wrote in his post, “Well said. It is good that this truth is coming out, and that too in a way that the common people can see it. A fake story can last only for a limited time. After all, facts Always come forward.”
User People had lost their lives.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.