Mumbai,. On the occasion of Mauni Amavasya, television and filmmaker Ekta Kapoor have observed silence. Ekta shared a video on social media, in which she indicated everyone to remain silent during Amavasya.
On social media, active Ekta Kapoor shared a video on Instagram, in which she was seen pointing out of everyone to be silent. He wrote in the caption with the video shared, “Please be silent on Mauni Amavasya.”
Let me tell you, people worship God by staying silent on Mauni Amavasya. It is believed that it brings spiritual development, blessings and salvation.
Ekta Kapoor often goes to the temple, which has a glimpse of which she has shown fans through social media many times.
Ekta Kapoor had earlier reached Puri, where she saw Lord Jagannath. Ekta shared the video on social media.
By sharing a video on Instagram, Ekta Kapoor wrote in the caption, “Jagannath Puri, Jai Govinda.” In the video, she is seen standing in front of the shikhar of the temple. Filmmaker Anshul Mohan was also seen in the video with Kapoor.
Talking about Ekta Kapoor's workfront, her previous film 'The Sabarmati Report' was received, which received a positive response. The 'The Sabarmati Report' on the Godhra incident in Gujarat was also tax -free in many states across the country.
Vikrant Massey, Rashi Khanna, Riddhi Dogra starrer film list of states tax free include Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan as well as Odisha.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.