National broadcaster Doordarshan has announced that it will welcome the New Year by airing the 4K version of Shyam Benegal's film Manthan, as a tribute to the veteran filmmaker. Benegal, a pioneer of the parallel cinema movement in Indian cinema during the 1970s and 1980s, died on 23 December due to chronic kidney disease at the age of 90.
The Film Heritage Foundation (FHF), which restored the 1976 classic film for its premiere in the Cannes Classic section at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, shared this update on its official X page. According to FHF, Manthan will be telecast today, January 1 at 8 pm on Doordarshan.
The foundation announced, “To pay tribute to Late Shyam Benegal, Doordarshan will launch the New Year on January 1, 2025 at 8 PM on Doordarshan with Manthan (1976), restored by FHF in collaboration with Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (Amul). Will do with the screening of.
The film, titled 'Manthan' in English, was financed by 5 lakh farmers of Gujarat 48 years ago by contributing Rs 2 each. The opening credits of the film read: “500,000 farmers of Gujarat are present.”
Manthan is the story of a young veterinary doctor, played by Girish Karnad, who fights oppressive forces to set up a milk cooperative that empowers rural farmers. The film also stars Smita Patil, Naseeruddin Shah and Amrish Puri.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.