Mumbai This weekend, the muchloved singing reality show, ‘Indian Idol Season 15’ on Sony Entertainment Television will spread the festive cheer with its special episode titled “Christmas Concert”. The episode will feature several celebrities as 'Secret Santas' who will bring gifts for their favorite contestants. These celebrities include Madhubanti Bagchi, Paradox, Bhumi Trivedi, Rishabh Sharma, Papon, Nikita Gandhi, Priyank Sharma, Miang Chang and the famous CID team of ACP Pradyuman (Shivaji Satam), Senior Inspector Abhijeet (Aditya Srivastava), and Senior Inspector Daya. (Dayanand Shetty) are included.
Face of Idol Ka Ashirwad, Ragini Shinde expressed her deep love for India's most beloved crime show, CID, saying, “I only watch CID, I have seen all the episodes, and I still watch the repeat telecasts. Let me see!” When asked who is her favorite character in the show, she said, “All three are my favourites, but my favorite is Abhijeet sir.”
Shivaji Satam praised Ragini and said, “I heard your song, and I just want to say, it is wonderful, beautiful. There is something divine in your voice. I had already asked Daya and Aditya to listen to your song. I’ve heard it, and it’s amazing.”
Shreya Ghoshal further said, “I heard that Lata ji also loved CID. She met you (Team CID), and she also told you this. So, from Lata ji to Ragini's generation, this connection has been made.” Shivaji Satam replied, “That's exactly what we say, CID and all of us are blessed by Goddess Saraswati,” and praised the judges, saying, “We are big fans.
This is what we were talking about in the back; We don't get time to meet, but we watch the show, and there's always hope that we'll meet one day.” Vishal Dadlani said, “I can't explain how happy my heart is. It has been 6 years since you all came into our lives. For 6 years I have been hearing people saying, 'You have replaced CID, bring back CID!' The public is crazy about you. It's not just a show, CID is a culture in India!”
Dayanand Shetty said, “It was great, as everyone said, you performed even better than the Darwaza Tod performance – you have already taken two steps forward. When sir tells me about your dedication and sacrifice at such a young age, and how far you have come, it is clear that you will go far and achieve great things.
Keep moving forward and achieving success!” Daya then gives the CID badge to Ragini as a token of appreciation. Watch Indian Idol 15 at 8:30 pm and CID at 10:00 pm this weekend, only on Sony Entertainment Television! -Khaas Khabar Network
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.