In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 18, Farah Khan gave a class to the contestants on Weekend Ka Vaar. He said that the entire house except Chum was against Karanvir Mehra. Farah Khan also talked to Shilpa. At the end of Sunday's episode, Shilpa was seen telling Karanvir and Chum that she had been offered Malaika Aror's song ChaiyyaChaiyya. Farah Khan had asked him to lose weight. Karanvir was seen laughing with Shilpa on this matter.
Shilpa was seen telling Karanvir Mehra and Chum that Farah Khan had approached her for the song Chaiyya Chaiyya. Shilpa told that Farah asked her to lose weight for the song. Then after a week or 10 days she came back and said you are too fat to sing. After this Malaika was again included in the song.
When Shilpa said this, Karan said, “She is telling this with so much love.” After this, Karan said, what would have happened if you had boarded the train, would the train have stopped or what? Shilpa said that now how do I know, Only Farah and Mani sir can tell this. Whatever happens, happens for the good. The films you have done are good and no one can do that song better than Malaika.
The song ChaiyyaChaiyya was from the film Dil Se, released in 1998. Shahrukh Khan and Malaika Arora were seen in this song. The film was directed by Mani Ratnam. You can watch this film on Netflix.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.