Mumbai Radio Nasha recently celebrated Hrithik Roshan's 25 glorious years in Bollywood with a special edition of Nasha Premiere Nights, which included a fan screening of his first blockbuster, Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai. The event became a memorable journey for fans and an emotional moment for Hrithik as he shared anecdotes about his journey in the industry. Speaking at the screening, Hrithik reflected on his evolving outlook, saying, “There is a difference between looking good and being strong. Now, my focus is on being strong in every way, both mentally and physically.” He also recalled the surprising turn of events that led to his debut.
“I was never ready for any film,” admits Hrithik. When dad first talked about Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai, we were discussing casting superstars like Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan or Aamir Khan. I told him that he has already done such things in his career. Then, suddenly, he patted me on the back and said, 'Be ready in 4 months.' This is how my journey began.”
Nasha Premiere Nights not only celebrated Hrithik's 25th anniversary in the industry, but also highlighted the enduring legacy of Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai. This is the film which brought him superstardom and gave him a special place in the hearts of millions of people. It was a priceless experience for fans and cinema lovers as they relived the iconic film on the big screen. Hrithik's acting added an emotional depth to this special occasion, making the audience's connect even stronger. – Top News Bulletin Network
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.