Mumbai On the occasion of Army Day, Bollywood actor Sunny Deol spent time with the soldiers of the country on Wednesday. The actor also saluted the courage, sacrifice and unwavering dedication of the real heroes of the country.
Actor Sunny Deol, who is active on social media, shared many videos and pictures on Instagram. In a video, actors and soldiers were seen chanting 'Bharat Mata ki Jai'. In other pictures, Bollywood actors were seen posing for pictures with the soldiers and even having a claw fight with them.
Sharing the post, the actor wrote in the caption, “Salute to the courage, sacrifice and unwavering dedication of our heroes then, now and always. Happy Indian Army Day! Hindustan Zindabad, Army Day.”
The actor had shared a picture of himself wishing fans a happy Lohri and Makar Sankranti, in which he was seen sitting near a bonfire.
Army Day is celebrated every year on 15 January in India. This day is celebrated in the honor of Lieutenant General KM Cariappa. He took over as the first CommanderinChief of the Indian Army on 15 January 1949.
Talking about Sunny Deol's work front, the actor has many films. Deol has 'Jatt' directed by Gopichand Malineni, the teaser of which is out. Deol will soon be seen in 'Border 2', in which actorsinger Diljit Dosanjh, Varun Dhawan and Ahan Shetty also play important roles.
The filmmakers had recently released the teaser of 'Border 2'.
Directed by Anurag Singh, 'Border 2' is a wardrama based on the Battle of Longewala (1971). 'Border 2' is produced by the production team of Bhushan Kumar, Krishna Kumar, JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta.
The film 'Border 2' will be released in theaters on 26 January 2026 on the occasion of Republic Day.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.