AR Rahman has won more than 138 awards in his name including 2 Oscars and 13 Filmfare. Singer and composer AR Rahman, who is in the news for his songs and titles, is in the headlines for the first time for his personal life. Recently AR Rahman has ended his 29yearold marriage with his wife Saira Banu. AR Rahman has given this information on social media site X. But with this post AR Rahman has become a victim of trolls. In this post, AR Rahman also included a hashtag giving the news of divorce. People also got angry after seeing the hashtag at the end of this post. People trolled AR Rahman for making a tag on this occasion.
Actually, AR Rahman had shared a post on social media platform X at 12.10 pm on Tuesday night. In which AR Rahman wrote, 'We were hopeful of completing the journey of 30 years. But the circumstances at that time were not so good. Even the throne of God starts shaking due to the weight of broken hearts. I am very sad at this time. We thank you for respecting our privacy. Thanks also to all those people who have supported us in our difficult times. After this tweet, AR Rahman ended the post with the hashtag '#arrsairabreakup'. The trollers got furious after seeing this hashtag.
Seeing this post of AR Rahman, first people advised him to be happy. Many fans also gave him a message to remain strong in difficult times. At the same time, some people also trolled AR Rahman regarding the hashtag seen below his post. People gave their reaction under this post and said, 'Who uses hashtags after giving such news.' People have trolled AR Rahman fiercely on this post. One user even advised AR Rahman to fire his admin team.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.