Megastar Amitabh Bachchan made huge profit by selling his luxurious apartment located in Oshiwara, Mumbai for Rs 83 crore. He had purchased the same property about four years ago in April 2021 for Rs 31 crore. Actress Kriti Sanon once lived in this luxurious duplex apartment and its rent was Rs 10 lakh per month.
According to Square Yards, the duplex apartment is located in Crystal Group's upscale residential project 'The Atlantis' in Oshiwara. Amitabh Bachchan had purchased the property for Rs 31 crore in April 2021. In January, Megastar had sold the same property for Rs 83 crore, making a huge profit of 168 percent. This sale transaction attracted stamp duty of Rs 4.98 crore and registration fee of Rs 30,000.
This luxurious duplex apartment is reportedly spread over a buildup area of 5,704 sq ft and a carpet area of 5,185.62 sq ft. It is located on the 27th and 28th floors. It has a large terrace and six car parking space. It is noteworthy that this is the same property which Big B had given on lease to Kriti Sanon for two years in November 2021. The actress had deposited Rs 10 lakh per month as rent and Rs 60 lakh for this.
In the year 2024, Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan bought 10 apartments in Oberoi Realty's premium residential project 'Eternia', which is located in Mulund in the heart of the city. The Bachchan family has reportedly invested Rs 100 crore in real estate.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.