Bollywood filmmaker Indra Kumar, known for his work in the Masti and Dhamaal series, recently shared information about his experience of working with Aamir Khan in an interview. The director, who made his Bollywood debut with Aamir in the 1990 film Dil, which also starred Madhuri Dixit, recalled that the actor had doubts about a controversial scene in the film.
Aamir Khan and Indra Kumar worked together for the first time for the film Mann. In conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Indra Kumar said that there were many instances where Aamir Khan's instincts proved wrong.
Giving the example of a scene in Dil, which the actor initially had doubts about but ultimately proved successful in the film, Indra said, “There was a scene in Dil that Aamir had talked about in his interviews; that scene In which he breaks a stick and gets married. He said, 'Indu you have gone mad, does anyone marry?'”
He said, “This was the only time when we had disagreements. From 9 am to 1 pm we kept discussing the scene. I told Aamir that I am ready to put my life on the line and the audience will watch this scene. Will applaud. And I thought I would, but I was wrong.”
The film Dil, released in 1990, was a big hit starring Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit in the lead roles. It is remembered for its music and story.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.