public The sector's railway transportation company BEML has got a huge contract worth Rs 3658 crore from Chennai Metro. The company shared information about this contract on Thursday. BEML said that under this contract they have to deliver a total of 70 metro train sets with 210 coaches to Chennai Metro Rail Limited. These metro train sets will be used in driverless metro operations. BEML, which is run under the Defense Ministry, said in a statement that these metro trains will run on three major metro corridors in Chennai – Madhavaram to SIPCOT, Lighthouse to Poonamallee and Madhavaram to Sholinganallur.
The first train set will be delivered in January 2027
Let us tell you that the total current length of the metro network in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, is 118.9 kilometers, of which 76.3 kilometers section is elevated while 42.6 kilometers includes underground tracks. Under this contract, the first train set will be delivered in January 2027 while the last train set is expected to be delivered by April 2029. BEML Chairman and Managing Director Shantanu Roy said, “The contract includes design, manufacturing, delivery, trial and training along with 15 years of complete maintenance for the standard gauge metro rolling stock and depot machinery and plant.”
There was a great rise in the company's shares on Thursday
Despite the huge fall in the stock market today, a spectacular rise was seen in the shares of BEML. After winning a big contract from Chennai Metro, the shares of the government company on Thursday closed at Rs 4270.00 with a rise of Rs 82.10 (1.96%). During trading today, shares of BEML ranged from an intraday low of Rs 4185.80 to an intraday high of Rs 4338.95. However, the company's shares are currently trading far below their 52 week high. The 52 week high of BEML shares is Rs 5489.15. According to BSE, the current market cap of BEML is Rs 17,782.20 crore.
Image Credit: India-Tv.