When When you go to take a loan, there is a lot of talk about CIBIL or credit score. There are many benefits of having a high credit score. This not only makes it easier to take a loan, but also has many other benefits. This gives you access to financial products like premium credit cards and exclusive banking services. Some companies even check the credit score of employees while recruiting them. This especially happens in vacancies related to finance and sensitive information. In this way, a high CIBIL score can also help you in getting a job. Let us know what are the benefits of having a high credit score.
Speed up loan approval process
Lenders often have a faster approval process for applicants with high credit scores because they are less of a risk. That means, if your credit score is good, you will get the loan quickly. You can also get a pre-approved loan.
Loan at low interest rate
Be it home loan, personal loan or auto loan, if your credit score is high, you will be offered lower interest rates. You will also get a credit card with low interest rate. Having a low interest rate can save you a lot of interest over time.
You will get your favorite deal
A high credit score gives you more bargaining power, meaning you can negotiate to get the deal you want. You can get loan at low interest rate. You can also negotiate more favorable repayment terms.
Insurance premium will be less
credit limit will be higher
A high credit score makes the customer's profile attractive to banks. This increases the chances of approval of your loan, credit card etc. When your credit score is high, you are also eligible for higher credit limits. This means you can get a higher loan amount and the terms are also easier.
Image Credit: India-Tv.