Online Train Ticket Booking: Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail network in the world. There is no doubt that Indian Railways is the lifeline of our country. Crores of people travel and reach their destinations every day in Indian Railways. There used to be a time when we used to stand for hours at the railway counters, waiting for our turn to reserve our seat in the train. But in India which is going digital, booking tickets has now become quite easy. Now you can reserve your seat in any train anytime, anywhere from your mobile phone.
Many apps are available to book tickets online
Today, there are many companies in India which provide the facility to book train tickets online on their mobile apps. Crores of passengers book tickets on the apps of these private companies. These companies charge various types of charges on each ticket. Due to these various charges, the total price of the ticket becomes quite high. Today we are going to tell you a way through which you can save a lot of money by booking tickets.
Where to get the cheapest train ticket
Yes, tickets can be booked online at the cheapest price through the website or mobile app of IRCTC, a subsidiary of Indian Railways. By booking tickets online from IRCTC, you do not need to pay convenience fee, agent service charge and payment gateway charge. Whereas when you book tickets through the apps of private companies, you have to pay more money in the form of convenience fee, agent service charge and payment gateway charge.
You can save a lot of money by booking tickets through IRCTC.
The surprising thing is that even today there are many people who book tickets through the apps of private companies and pay more money even without wanting to. Let us tell you that you can directly save more than Rs 100 on third AC ticket from Delhi to Varanasi through IRCTC. This savings may be more or less depending on the distance of travel and different classes.
Image Credit: India-Tv.