real estate Company Signature Global Limited Chairman Pradeep Aggarwal said that in view of the strong residential demand in Gurugram property market, the company can cross the sales booking target of Rs 10,000 crore. Aggarwal told in the interview that the company has achieved sales bookings worth Rs 5,900 crore in the first half (April-September) of the current financial year 2024-25. “We have estimated sales bookings of Rs 10,000 crore for the current financial year,” he said. We are one of the very few listed real estate developers with such a big target.”
Expected to perform more than target
Given the strong performance in the first six months, he said, “We are fully hopeful of achieving more than our annual target.” He said that many big projects for the second half of the current financial year (October 2024 to March 2025) Are under process. New and existing projects will help in achieving the target easily. Signature Global's sales bookings tripled to Rs 5,900 crore in the April-September period of FY 2024-25 from Rs 1,860 crore in the same period last year.
Good presence in Gurugram market
The company had recorded sales bookings of Rs 7,270 crore in financial year 2023-24. Signature Global has a good presence in the Gurugram market. Aggarwal said that the company is also looking at proposals to buy land in the Gurugram market and is also exploring the possibility of entering the Noida, Greater Noida and Yamuna Expressway property markets. The company had reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 4.15 crore in the July-September quarter. Whereas in the same period last year it had incurred a net loss of Rs 19.92 crore. Total income during this period also increased from Rs 121.16 crore to Rs 777.42 crore on an annual basis.
Image Credit: India-Tv.