epfo According to the data, till March 2024, a total of Rs 8505.23 crore is deposited in 21.55 lakh inoperative accounts. In the financial year 2018-19, the number of inactive EPF accounts was 6.91 lakh and total deposits in them were Rs 1638.37 crore. That is, in the span of 5 years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of inactive EPF accounts as well as the money deposited in them. Inactive EPF accounts are those accounts in which no money is deposited for 3 years. Apart from this, the accounts of employees whose age reaches 58 years are also considered as dormant accounts. If your EPF account is inactive or closed, then what should you do in such a situation?
Inactive account can be reactivated
According to EPFO, any person can reopen his closed account and get access to the money deposited in the account. If your account is closed due to lack of UAN then you will have to go to EPFO office and apply for UAN number. After getting the UAN number, you can reactivate your inactive account after the KYC process.
EPF account will not be activated without KYC
If you have a UAN number but it is not linked with your EPF account, then in such circumstances also you will have to go to the EPFO office and apply for linking the UAN number with the account. Keep in mind that it is very important to get KYC done in this entire process. Without KYC your account will not be activated. After the KYC process is complete, you can submit a request to activate your account, after which you can not only access the money deposited in your EPF account but can also process it for claiming.
If it has not been 3 years since the account was closed then online application will also help.
If it has not been more than 3 years since your EPF account has been deactivated and your account is linked to the UAN number, then you can apply online. After the application is verified, your account will be reactivated. After which you can claim for the money deposited in your account. Apart from this, if it has been more than 3 years since your EPF account has been deactivated, then you will have to go to the EPFO office and apply offline.
Image Credit: India-Tv.