The year has started well for Akshay Kumar. The actor's film was flopping one after the other for the last few years. However, 'Sky Force' is proving to be Sanjeevani Booti for Akshay's sinking career. The film is getting great response from the audience and to see it, there is also a lot of audiences in theaters. Although the film's earnings are also being recorded in the weekdays, despite this, it is holding a strong hold at the box office. Talking about the collection of 'Sky Force' in the midst of all this, the figures shared by the makers are as follows –
The Akshay Kumar starrer film collected a collection of 15.30 crores on the first day of its release.
On the second day, 'Sky Force' did a business of 26.30 crores.
The film earned Rs 31.60 crore on the third day.
On the fourth day, 'Sky Force' collected 8.10 crores.
According to the data shared by the makers, the total collection of four days of 'Sky Force' is Rs 81.30 crore.
At the same time, the initial figures of the fifth day of the film's release have come. According to the Early Trend Report of Caiknilk, 'Sky Force' has collected 5.75 crores on the 5th day of its release. With this, the total earning of five days of 'Sky Force' has now increased to Rs 87.05 crore.
How far from 100 crores
The 'Sky Force' is performing strong at the box office and is collecting several crores every day. Given the speed from which this film of Akshay Kumar is moving beyond, there is a possibility of entering the 100 crore club before its second weekend. At present, everyone's eyes are on the box office.
Sky Force is an action drama film that revolves around India's first air strike in the 1965 IndiaPakistan Hawy War. The film has played an important role by Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahadia, Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur, directed by Abhishek Anil Kapoor and produced by Madock Films and Jio Studio. The film was released in theaters on January 24.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.