Tata Motors has introduced Nexon ICNG Dark Edition in India, which is an initial price of Rs 12.69 lakh (exshowroom). This subcompact SUV will be available in three variants and its topend model will be priced at Rs 13.69 lakh (exshowroom). In this edition, special dark treatment has been given to increase its visual appeal. In addition, compact SUVs can be seen in dark paint and black treatment at many places.
Tata Nexon ICNG Dark Edition: Exterior and Interior
The Tata Nexon ICNG Dark Edition has its standard model as exterior design. This subcompact SUV comes in carbon black color, as well as blackout metallic parts and black alloy wheels. The interior of the SUV is also the same as before and has a black -shaped upholstery.
Tata Nexon ICNG Dark Edition: variant, features and price
Tata Nexon Dark Edition is available in Creative + S, Creative + PS and Fearless + PS variants. With special black treatment, Creative + S and Creative + PS variants are more expensive than standard Nexon. At the same time, Fearless + PS variant is expensive by Rs 20,000 from its standard version. The Tata Nexon ICNG Dark Edition has many best features, such as 10.2 -inch infotainment system, digital instrument cluster, front ventilated seats, wireless charging, air purifiers, wireless Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, 360 degree Camera, Panromic Sunroof, 8 Speaker JBL audio system and byLED headlamps.
Mechanically, Tata Nexon ICNG Dark Edition is similar to its standard version. The subcompact SUV is equipped with 1.2L, threecylinder, turbocharged engine that generates 100 HP power output and 170 Nm peak torque. The engine comes with a 6speed manual transmission.
In addition, it comes with 60L tanks in twincylinder design, which provides more boot space. In particular, the Nexon ICng Dark Edition has a 392 -liter boot space.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.