Ramcharan starrer Game Changer is in theaters from January 10. Made with a huge budget of Rs 450 crore, director Shankar took a long time of 3 years to complete this film. After the screening, the film was declared a failure. The film has so far crossed the Rs 100 crore mark in its fiveday run. In such a situation, 'Game Changer' director S Shankar has said that the average performance of the film is his fault.
In a recent interview with Behindwoods TV, Shankar admitted that he could have done a lot better in the film. He said- 'No filmmaker is ever satisfied with his film. I absolutely feel that this film could have been better. We had many good scenes, but we had to cut them down.
Shankar further said- 'This means that we lost some great content. You can't include every scene in a threehour movie. The total duration of the film was five hours. It was like carving a sculpture. If you want to make a good sculpture, it is better if it is made of stone. Let us tell you that Shankar has made his Telugu debut with the film 'Game Changer'.
Let us tell you that there were also reports that the makers have spent Rs 75 crore on four songs of 'Game Changer' – 'Jaragandi', 'Dhop', 'Nana Hayaran', and 'Ra Macha Macha'. But now Shankar has denied this. He said, 'This is not true. People are even saying that our film has increased its tax four times.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.