Chennai. The shooting of director Vetrimaaran's muchawaited action entertainer 'Vaadi Vasal' is going to begin soon. The film stars superstar Surya in the lead role. Producer of the film Kalaipuli S Thanu gave information to the fans about 'Vaadi Vasal'.
On the occasion of Mattu Pongal, filmmaker Kalaipuli S Thanu posted a picture with director Vetrimaaran and Suriya on social media platform
Let us tell you, the third day of the fourday long festival Pongal is known as Mattu Pongal. Bulls are worshiped on this day in South Indian states.
After this, on this day itself, the bulls participating in the popular game 'Jallikattu' are entered into the field.
'Vaadi Vasal' is based on the novel 'Vaadi Vasal' by famous Tamil writer Sisu Chellappa, which is based on the sport of Jallikattu bulltaming.
The film stars music director GV Prakash, who composed the music for the film. Prakash had informed in the year 2022 that he has composed music for two to three songs of director Vetrimaaran's 'Vaadi Vasal'.
GV Prakash gave this information while answering a question asked by a fan during a chat session on X.
Regarding his work with director Vetrimaaran, the music director had said, “We are now working on 'Vaadi Vasal'. We have already prepared twothree songs. 'Vaadi Vasal' has folk music in it. And his album will be rustic and country music.”
The market of rumors regarding the film is hot, according to which it is known that the film will be made in three parts. However, no official confirmation has been given yet by the filmmakers.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.