Flipkart But in the ongoing Republic Day sale, you can buy a smart TV for less than Rs 6,000. The sale is being organized on the e-commerce website between January 13 and January 19. In this sale, good discounts are being offered on the purchase of electronics items including smartphones, smart TVs, mobile accessories. In the sale, you will get up to 10 percent instant discount on the purchase of electronics items. Also, many more bank offers will be given to you. Come, let us know about the offers available on Smart TV in the sale…
Smart TV under Rs 6,000
In the sale going on on Flipkart, you will get smart TVs of two brands at a starting price of Rs 5,999. Smart TVs from Thomson and Blaupunkt are available at a starting price of Rs 5,999. This smart TV with 24 inch screen was launched at a price of Rs 6,499. These smart TVs are being sold at Rs 500 cheaper in the current sale.
Apart from this, you can buy 43 inch smart TV for Rs 16,999. This smart TV was launched at a price of Rs 17,499. At the same time, you can buy 43 inch QLED TV for just Rs 20,999. A discount of Rs 1,000 will be available on its purchase. This smart TV was available for Rs 21,999. Whereas, 50 inch QLED TV will be available for Rs 26,499. A discount of Rs 1,500 is being given on the purchase of this TV. Apart from this, you can also buy 55 inch QLED TV at the lowest price. This smart TV will be available for Rs 31,999.
You can also buy big screen smart TV at a very low price. The 75-inch QLED Smart TV will be available for Rs 71,999, which was launched for Rs 74,999. Whereas, you will get 65 inch QLED for Rs 43,999. This TV was launched at a price of Rs 45,999. A discount of up to Rs 3,000 is being offered on the purchase of big screen smart TV.
Image Credit: India-Tv.