itel has launched another cheap smartphone in India at the beginning of the year. This phone of Itel comes at a price of less than Rs 6,000. A few days ago also itel has launched itel A80 smartphone at a price of less than Rs 7,000. Both these phones come with features like 5,000mAh powerful battery and 50MP camera. This Itel phone comes with iPhone-like features like dynamic island bar and display notifications.
itel zen 10 price
itel Zen 10 has been launched in two storage variants – 3GB RAM + 64GB and 4GB RAM + 64GB. This phone comes at a starting price of Rs 5,999 and its top variant comes at Rs 6,499. This phone from itel comes in two color options – Phantom Crystal and Opal Purple. It can be purchased from e-commerce website Amazon. The company is offering an instant discount of Rs 500 on the purchase of this phone.
Features of itel Zen 10
itel Zen 10 has a 6.56 inch HD + IPS display. Dynamic bar feature has been provided in the display of the phone, in which details of notifications like battery charging, incoming calls etc. can be seen like iPhone. This phone comes with octacore chipset. It supports up to 4GB RAM and up to 64GB internal storage. The phone's RAM can be expanded virtually up to 8GB.
AI dual camera setup is available in the back of this cheap phone. The phone has a secondary camera with 8MP main. It has a 5MP camera for selfie and video calling. This phone has a physical fingerprint sensor along with the power button. Additionally, it also supports face unlock feature. It has USB Type C charging feature with a powerful battery of 5,000mAh. This smartphone works on Android 14 Go.
Image Credit: India-Tv.