Jaipur. The promotion of the film 'Skyforce', which brings an unheard story of patriotism and courage, was done in a very unique style. The film's lead actors Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahadia attended the grand launch of the film's first song 'Maye' in a patriotic spirit at the grand Chomu Palace Hotel near Jaipur.
During the promotion, Akshay and Veer were standing on the balcony of the palace greeting the audience, during which, a fog of beautiful colors of the tricolor was blown from behind them, which added colors of patriotism to the moment. Seeing this scene the spectators were filled with enthusiasm and pride.
During the promotion of the film, Akshay Kumar said, “Skyforce is not just a film, but it is also a passion dedicated to the brave soldiers of our country. It is the story of their bravery, sacrifice and patriotism. The song 'Maye' is a tribute to those martyrs. We salute him, who sacrificed everything for his motherland.”
Excited about his debut film, Veer Pahadia said, “It is a great honor for me to be a part of Skyforce. Every Indian's heart will fill with pride after hearing the song 'Maye'. I hope this song will lift everyone's emotions.” Will touch.”
'Maye' is a precious song dedicated to the martyrs. The first song of the film has been composed by renowned composer Tanishk Bagchi, sung by B Praak in his soulful voice, with hearttouching lyrics written by Manoj Muntashir. This song is dedicated to those brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country. During the promotion, B Praak connected virtually and interacted with the media.
Made under the banner of Jio Studios and Maddock Films, Skyforce is based on an untold true story. The film depicts the story of India's first and deadliest airstrike. Ever since the trailer of the film has been released, the film is getting tremendous response from the audience.
This film is going to hit the theaters in the week of Republic Day i.e. on January 24, 2025. Skyforce is a story that will connect every Indian with the feeling of duty and sacrifice towards the country.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.