Mumbai . Actress Titiksha Srivastava, who is seen in the show 'Jagriti – Ek Nayi Subah', is trying to understand her character deeply. His reallife law degree gives a unique depth to the role of the magistrate on screen, helping him bring authenticity and nuance to the role.
After studying law from the National Law University of Odisha in 2017, Titiksha gained an indepth understanding of legal principles and court procedures. This legal study solves the problems he faces in judicial roles. This also strengthens his character. The entire experience of his profession brings life to his character of a magistrate.
Titiksha said, “Playing the role of Geeta is a great opportunity for me. The best part is that I have studied law, so my law degree is helping me do justice to my character of a magistrate in the show “
She said, “In fact, in the initial years of my career, I have handled criminal and civil cases in various courts in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai. However, I have been a corporate and media lawyer for the last three years. I have also worked as a lawyer for a fashion channel. Working with him as their legal manager has helped me in taking my role seriously and responsibly. It has been amazing to shoot for it and I am looking forward to seeing the audience's reaction to my character in the show. “
'JagritiEk Nayi Subah' is based on the adventurous journey of sevenyearold Jagriti, a spirited girl born in the Chitta community. She refuses to blindly accept things imposed on her people.
Asmi plays the lead role of Jagriti, while Titiksha plays the role of her mother Geeta. Actor Arya Babbar plays the role of the dangerous Kalikant Thakur.
'JagritiEk Nayi Subah' airs on Zee TV.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.