Birds of Galar Articuno, Zapdosand Moltres They are three exceptionally rare Pokémon Go Legendary Pokémon, since you cannot attack them or find them in research.
They are only found using a specific daily incense that requires you to actually go out for a walk, and their capture rate is low with a corresponding high escape rate. Getting these birds can be exhausting, but of course, hardcore collectors will want them.
Below we explain how to find the Galar birds (Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres) in Pokémon Gohow to find them shiny and whether they will run away when found.
How to get the Galar birds Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres in Pokémon Go
The three birds of Galar are rare encounters that appear when you use a Daily Adventure Incensethe 15 minute blue incense that you can use once a day. (You can see it in the upper right corner of the Pokémon Go screen, below the weather, compass, and meeting buttons.)
Daily Adventure Incense requires movement to spawn Pokémon and it should be a movement where you are actually moving around (rather than just walking on a treadmill).
This incense is the only way to find Galarian Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. It is rare to find birds during your walk, so don't expect to find any right away.
Capture rate and escape rate of Galar birds
Birds also have an abysmal capture rate and If the first ball you land doesn't catch them, there's a good chance they'll run.. That being said, these birds have become the de facto reason why you want Master Balls in Pokémon Go, as this will guarantee the bird once you encounter one. This Silph Road subreddit user says that the the capture rate is 0.3% and an escape rate is 90%so you will need to use a Golden Razz Berry and an Ultra Ball to increase your chances (if you are not using a Master Ball).
How to Find Galar Shiny Birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres
Starting with the “Galarian Expedition” event in October 2024, the birds you encounter now have a chance to shine.
These glows are cool because they actually give the Galarian birds their Kantonian color schemes: Articuno turns blue, Zapdos turns yellow, and Moltres regains his yellow and orange flames.
Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Images source: Niantic
The rules for finding the birds are the same as before, you just have to be very lucky to find the shiny bird, which adds to the luck you actually need to find the bird. find a bird
Will the brilliant birds of Galar flee?
The main difference between the normal and shiny versions is that The shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres will not runallowing you as many opportunities as you want to catch the bird. That said, its catch rate remains the same, so you may run out of Poké Balls before you have a chance to catch the bird.
Make sure you have enough Ultra Balls (or have a Master Ball) on hand before committing to this expedition or you may abandon In fact with a broken heart. Finding a shiny Galarian bird and having to run because you run out of Poké Balls sounds like a nightmare.