Wednesday, September 25, 2024
HomeGamingThe offspring of the obscure operating system that could have replaced Mac OS gets a rare update, nearly 22 years after its release: Haiku...

The offspring of the obscure operating system that could have replaced Mac OS gets a rare update, nearly 22 years after its release: Haiku continues the minimalist philosophy of BeOS, the pet project of one of Apple's former executives

In the mid-1990s, former Apple executive Jean-Louis Gassée founded Be Inc., a company best known for its BeOS operating system.

Despite its technical strengths, which included a responsive multitasking core, symmetric multiprocessing, and a 64-bit journaled file system called BFS, BeOS struggled to gain a foothold in a market dominated by Microsoft Windows. Apple briefly considered buying it, but ultimately decided the price was too high and instead acquired Steve Jobs's NeXT and used its OPENSTEP operating system as the basis for what became Mac OS X. In 2001, Be Inc. was absorbed by Palm, and BeOS quietly disappeared.

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