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HomeLifestyleIf you want to tighten and glow your face, then follow this skin care routine after 30 years - Top News Bulletin

If you want to tighten and glow your face, then follow this skin care routine after 30 years – Top News Bulletin

Aging can be detected by looking at your skin. As soon as you reach 30-35 years, the glow of the face starts changing. The glow of the face starts disappearing and the skin starts becoming loose due to loss of firmness. Most women are worried about their increasing age. However, there are some women who look young even after being 35-14 years old. The main reason for this is their skin care routine. The glow of the face can be maintained by taking proper care of the skin. Today we are telling you such a skin care routine that will make your face glow for a long time. No one will be able to guess your age by looking at the glow of your face.

Best night skin care routine

  • Face wash- Makeup, dirt and dust accumulate on the face throughout the day. Due to which your face becomes dirty. Therefore, first of all clean the face at night with a good soap or face wash. This will clean your skin and the pores will also open.

  • Serum- Now apply serum on your face at night and hydrate the skin from inside. Serum is necessary to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated. Serum helps in creating new cells by removing old cells. Therefore, definitely apply serum.

  • Night cream- Now it is your turn to apply night cream. By applying night cream, the skin gets the necessary acids and nutrients. This increases the glow of the face many times. Not only this, night cream also repairs your skin cells. This reduces blemishes and spots.

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According to skin experts, you should definitely follow this skin care routine after 30 years. This will keep your skin young for a long time. No one can guess your age by looking at your face. Along with this, drink plenty of water daily. Drinking water will keep the face glowing and the skin will remain hydrated. Water detoxes the body by removing the dirt from the body and this brings glow to the skin.

Image Credit: India-Tv.

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