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HomeLifestyleThese 3 types of juices are the cause of thyroid and obesity, they will put a break on increasing weight - Top News Bulletin

These 3 types of juices are the cause of thyroid and obesity, they will put a break on increasing weight – Top News Bulletin

Thyroid problem has emerged as another major lifestyle related disease. With age, thyroid problem is being seen a lot in women. Thyroid is such a serious problem due to which your entire health can be affected. There are two types of thyroid in which weight increases rapidly in hypothyroidism and weight starts decreasing suddenly in hyperthyroidism. A patient of hypothyroidism feels very hungry due to which weight starts increasing. In such a situation, include some healthy juices in the diet along with medicines. So that both thyroid and weight can be controlled. For this, juice of gourd, carrot, watercress and beetroot proves beneficial. Know which juice should be drunk in thyroid?

Juices for weight loss in thyroid

Bottle gourd juice- According to Baba Ramdev, bottle gourd juice is no less than a boon for your health. Consuming bottle gourd can also cure thyroid problems. If you drink bottle gourd juice, it will control both thyroid and obesity. Drinking bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning helps reduce thyroid. It provides energy and maintains strength in the body. Drinking bottle gourd juice also reduces obesity rapidly.

Watercress and apple juice- Juice prepared by mixing watercress and apple is beneficial in thyroid. Thyroid can be controlled by drinking this juice. How can you prepare it? For this, take about 2 cups of watercress leaves and wash them. Now wash and chop 2 apples. Grind both the things finely in a mixer. Now add 1 teaspoon lemon juice to it. Drinking this juice in the morning will reduce thyroid and will also reduce obesity.

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Beetroot and carrot juice- Red colored juicy carrots are available in winter season. Mix some beetroot with carrots and prepare juice from it. This juice is considered very effective for thyroid. 1 carrot, 1 beetroot and 1 big piece of pineapple, if you want you can also add 1 apple in it. Now grind it and extract the juice. Drinking this juice will give strength to the body and reduce thyroid and obesity.

Image Credit: India-Tv.

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